Take the best of 2015 to make the best of 2016 (Part 2): Taking Stock of 2015

taking stock
Image credits: http://www.littlemisadventures.com

Part 1 of this series, “The Gratitude List”, was published on the 20th of December. Here is part 2 for you. Taking stock of this year helps generate the energy, creativity and aspiration to plan an amazing 2016. Here is a process that has worked for me. As I always say, what works for me may not work for you. So therefore there is no ‘Right’ process. However I invite you to test this out and improve it to suite your situation if required.


Step 1: List down the 3 biggest achievements during the year.

Step 2: List down the 3 biggest setbacks during the year

Step 3: Do some reflective writing with regard to each of the items list in step 1 & 2 above using the following process. Find a quite place, get a nice notebook and a pen that writes well and take your time doing it. First complete the biggest achievement and set back before going on to the next.

  1. Describe the situation
  2. What were you thinking/feeling before, during and after the situation
  3. What was good and/or bad about your behaviour during each situation
  4. What sense can you make about your behaviour and potential to change in each situation
  5. What alternate action could have been taken during each of the situations?
  6. What steps would you take to make each situation better if it arises during the next year?


You could also follow the above process with your life partner, family and/or team. It will be an amazing bonding exercises too.


I will be back with further guidance in helping you to do a spectacular transition from 2015 in to 2016.


Wish you purposeful living with happiness and excellence.

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