The Moral Foundation of Value

“The first principles of value that we need to rediscover is this: that all really hinges on moral foundations. In other words, that this is a moral universe, and that there are moral laws of the universe just as abiding as the physical laws” – Marting Lucher King Jr.

The importance of value for organisational and personal purpose came into my radar about 25 years ago when I was in the mid thirties in age. I have incorporated this notion in my leadership development practice in developing leaders and helping them transform organisations. As I started inquiring in to this notion as a part of my doctoral studies a few years ago, having learnt to look at things critically from different paradigms, I realised the complexity of the notion of ‘values’.

Values being propagated and used by organisations and people, may be gimmicks in disguise if they are not supported by a moral base. For example the value ‘caring’ can result in disempowering the person being cared for, resulting in that person becoming dependent and vulnerable to the person who espoused the value, ‘caring’. ‘Caring’ can become a noble value when it is based on moral laws and noble intention. This may require finding empowering ways of caring. Telling the truth, even if it hurts. Allowing to struggle with the intention of making them strong. All of these may look uncaring, but the moral intention makes it ‘caring.

Reflecting on the value we endeavour to live by in a critical manner, therefore can help us understand its dark side. If we can then attache the value to a noble intention and moral law and articulate required behaviours, then perhaps we can use the to shape our life to be in service of the process of life and purposeful living.

Wish you purposeful living.

Who Are You?

Do you really know who you are? Well, I am still discovering who I am and I am not sure if I will ever find the answer. However, everyday I live with this question in my mind, I see a little bit more of who I am.

So, how do we find who we are?

Continue reading “Who Are You?”

Being Human – Path to Being Religious

Reflection Guide

Reflect on the basic human qualities taught by each religion and philosophy. Reflect on the extent to which we measure up to those qualities. What changes do we need before we earn the right to call ourselves Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu or any other religion or philosophy we belong to.

Who Needs Healing? The Society, You or Both?

As you read this quote, reflect on how well or sick the society you live in. Do you see the level of wellness and sickness or are you blind to it? Have you adjusted to the society or are you trying to adjust the society to be well so that you can be in sync with it. What baby steps would you take to heal the society? If you do not see how sick the society is, do you require some healing/ If so what step would you take? Hope these questions are helpful in finding success, happiness and peace.

Simple and Unassuming life for a better body and mind.

Eric Berne’s – Transactional Analysis presented.

As you read this quote by Sir Albert Einstein, reflect on a baby step you can take to go towards a simple and unassuming manner of life that has potential to have a positive impact on body and mind.

Finding Values to Live Life

Reflection Guide

Reflect on the values you were living by when you were happy and peaceful and what were the values in your life when you were unhappy and disturbed. What were the values you were living by when you made good decisions easily and what were your values when the decisions were wrong and difficult to make. Listing these can help you pick a few values for you to shape your life around.